Friday 26 July 2013

hairstyles for baby girls

Hairstyles For Baby Girls Biography

By the 6th month in the womb it is generally accepted by the medical and scientific community that all the hair follicles and related oil glands are formed on the growing fetus.  It is very common for the fetus to have a very fine growth of hair on their heads.  This growth has been spotted on sonograms taken at this point in the pregnancy.
Sometimes at this point in development hair will also be present on the shoulders and back as well.  This is nothing to worry about.
It is important to note that the fetus hair is often a different color than the color the hair will be later in life.  
This is important to note because many people/parents are alarmed at the downy appearance of the hair.  It does shed and it does change. 
Because babies go through the first year of their life with little or no hair, they obviously do not require much hair care.  Yes it is true that sometimes babies are born with no hair at all. This is not all that uncommon so if your baby has no hair, don't panic.
 You know, everyone has times in their lives that are simply more difficult than others. I suppose it is the normal cycle of life. For the first eight years of our marriage, I would say that my husband and I had it pretty easy. Not that everything was always perfect, but for the most part we were able to “make lemonade” with anything that did go wrong in an otherwise extremely blessed life. For the last two years, however, I would say life has become much harder. Not to say that life was at its worst, or that there aren’t bigger problems we could face, but these two years have been long and difficult in many respects for our family.
To begin with, our move back to Utah from Missouri was definitely an adjustment. We really miss everything about Missouri. It simply felt like home. It felt so good to experience life outside of the Utah ‘bubble’, to experience the charm of the Midwest, and get to know and love so many new people. Utah, for us, really has a very unique atmosphere (good in most ways), but it can take some getting used to.
For purposes of background, my husband and I have been trying to have another baby for nearly two years without success. The short version is this: I had an IUD (Mirena) put in after our #4 daughter was born and had it removed shortly after moving here. After nearly six months of no baby and a very irregular menstrual cycle, I called my OB for an appointment. All the doctors swore up and down that the IUD has extremely minimal side effects or long term problems when it became more mainstream in use (and when I had it put in). Since then, however, the statistics became more concrete and I happened to fall into the 0.02% who experiences complications with it. This ‘no-baby’ period may seem short to many of you, but for us that is a really long time. We seemed to get pregnant at will with our previous four girls. After going through a variety of tests (progesterone therapy, hysterysalpingograms, ovulation tests, etc), the doctor seemed to find nothing abnormal and simply wanted to put me on Clomid.

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